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Recommended Textbook


Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces

by Remzi H. Arpaci-Dusseau and Andrea C. Arpaci-Dusseau, available online for free!

Supplementary Materials:

Recommended Computer System Learning Materials

This Learning List is a great summary of the recommended materials for learning computer systems. Special thanks to Zhenbang You.

OS Simulators

After each chapter of the book Three Easy Pieces, there is Homework based on running little simulators which mimic some aspect of an operating systems. You can use them to solidify your knowledge. For example, a SSD simulator could be useful in understanding the internal construction of the solid-state storage.

C tutorial

Ladder is a helpful tutorial to help brush up on C. It is created by a Berkeley student for CS162. Special thanks to Jason Chin!

Markdown tutorial

You need to write markdown in your project design document. This online tutorial may help you. There are many markdown editors at your choice, such as Typora, VSCode, marktext, and so on.