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4#include <debug.h>
5#include <list.h>
6#include <stdint.h>
8/** States in a thread's life cycle. */
10 {
11 THREAD_RUNNING, /**< Running thread. */
12 THREAD_READY, /**< Not running but ready to run. */
13 THREAD_BLOCKED, /**< Waiting for an event to trigger. */
14 THREAD_DYING /**< About to be destroyed. */
15 };
17/** Thread identifier type.
18 You can redefine this to whatever type you like. */
19typedef int tid_t;
20#define TID_ERROR ((tid_t) -1) /**< Error value for tid_t. */
22/** Thread priorities. */
23#define PRI_MIN 0 /**< Lowest priority. */
24#define PRI_DEFAULT 31 /**< Default priority. */
25#define PRI_MAX 63 /**< Highest priority. */
27/** A kernel thread or user process.
29 Each thread structure is stored in its own 4 kB page. The
30 thread structure itself sits at the very bottom of the page
31 (at offset 0). The rest of the page is reserved for the
32 thread's kernel stack, which grows downward from the top of
33 the page (at offset 4 kB). Here's an illustration:
35 4 kB +---------------------------------+
36 | kernel stack |
37 | | |
38 | | |
39 | V |
40 | grows downward |
41 | |
42 | |
43 | |
44 | |
45 | |
46 | |
47 | |
48 | |
49 +---------------------------------+
50 | magic |
51 | : |
52 | : |
53 | name |
54 | status |
55 0 kB +---------------------------------+
57 The upshot of this is twofold:
59 1. First, `struct thread' must not be allowed to grow too
60 big. If it does, then there will not be enough room for
61 the kernel stack. Our base `struct thread' is only a
62 few bytes in size. It probably should stay well under 1
63 kB.
65 2. Second, kernel stacks must not be allowed to grow too
66 large. If a stack overflows, it will corrupt the thread
67 state. Thus, kernel functions should not allocate large
68 structures or arrays as non-static local variables. Use
69 dynamic allocation with malloc() or palloc_get_page()
70 instead.
72 The first symptom of either of these problems will probably be
73 an assertion failure in thread_current(), which checks that
74 the `magic' member of the running thread's `struct thread' is
75 set to THREAD_MAGIC. Stack overflow will normally change this
76 value, triggering the assertion. */
77/** The `elem' member has a dual purpose. It can be an element in
78 the run queue (thread.c), or it can be an element in a
79 semaphore wait list (synch.c). It can be used these two ways
80 only because they are mutually exclusive: only a thread in the
81 ready state is on the run queue, whereas only a thread in the
82 blocked state is on a semaphore wait list. */
83struct thread
84 {
85 /* Owned by thread.c. */
86 tid_t tid; /**< Thread identifier. */
87 enum thread_status status; /**< Thread state. */
88 char name[16]; /**< Name (for debugging purposes). */
89 uint8_t *stack; /**< Saved stack pointer. */
90 int priority; /**< Priority. */
91 struct list_elem allelem; /**< List element for all threads list. */
93 /* Shared between thread.c and synch.c. */
94 struct list_elem elem; /**< List element. */
96#ifdef USERPROG
97 /* Owned by userprog/process.c. */
98 uint32_t *pagedir; /**< Page directory. */
101 /* Owned by thread.c. */
102 unsigned magic; /**< Detects stack overflow. */
103 };
105/** If false (default), use round-robin scheduler.
106 If true, use multi-level feedback queue scheduler.
107 Controlled by kernel command-line option "-o mlfqs". */
108extern bool thread_mlfqs;
110void thread_init (void);
111void thread_start (void);
113void thread_tick (void);
114void thread_print_stats (void);
116typedef void thread_func (void *aux);
117tid_t thread_create (const char *name, int priority, thread_func *, void *);
119void thread_block (void);
120void thread_unblock (struct thread *);
122struct thread *thread_current (void);
123tid_t thread_tid (void);
124const char *thread_name (void);
126void thread_exit (void) NO_RETURN;
127void thread_yield (void);
129/** Performs some operation on thread t, given auxiliary data AUX. */
130typedef void thread_action_func (struct thread *t, void *aux);
131void thread_foreach (thread_action_func *, void *);
133int thread_get_priority (void);
134void thread_set_priority (int);
136int thread_get_nice (void);
138int thread_get_recent_cpu (void);
139int thread_get_load_avg (void);
141#endif /**< threads/thread.h */
#define NO_RETURN
Definition: debug.h:8
char * name[]
Definition: insult.c:47
unsigned int uint32_t
Definition: stdint.h:26
unsigned char uint8_t
Definition: stdint.h:20
Doubly linked list.
Definition: list.h:91
A kernel thread or user process.
Definition: thread.h:84
int priority
Definition: thread.h:90
uint8_t * stack
Saved stack pointer.
Definition: thread.h:89
struct list_elem allelem
List element for all threads list.
Definition: thread.h:91
unsigned magic
Detects stack overflow.
Definition: thread.h:102
struct list_elem elem
List element.
Definition: thread.h:94
char name[16]
Name (for debugging purposes).
Definition: thread.h:88
tid_t tid
Thread identifier.
Definition: thread.h:86
enum thread_status status
Thread state.
Definition: thread.h:87
struct thread * thread_current(void)
Returns the running thread.
Definition: thread.c:256
void thread_start(void)
Starts preemptive thread scheduling by enabling interrupts.
Definition: thread.c:106
int thread_get_nice(void)
Returns the current thread's nice value.
Definition: thread.c:357
void thread_foreach(thread_action_func *, void *)
Invoke function 'func' on all threads, passing along 'aux'.
Definition: thread.c:320
bool thread_mlfqs
If false (default), use round-robin scheduler.
Definition: thread.c:60
States in a thread's life cycle.
Definition: thread.h:10
Waiting for an event to trigger.
Definition: thread.h:13
About to be destroyed.
Definition: thread.h:14
Running thread.
Definition: thread.h:11
Not running but ready to run.
Definition: thread.h:12
void thread_action_func(struct thread *t, void *aux)
Performs some operation on thread t, given auxiliary data AUX.
Definition: thread.h:130
void thread_init(void)
void thread_unblock(struct thread *)
Transitions a blocked thread T to the ready-to-run state.
Definition: thread.c:232
int thread_get_priority(void)
Returns the current thread's priority.
Definition: thread.c:343
int tid_t
Thread identifier type.
Definition: thread.h:19
const char * thread_name(void)
Returns the name of the running thread.
Definition: thread.c:247
int thread_get_recent_cpu(void)
Returns 100 times the current thread's recent_cpu value.
Definition: thread.c:373
void thread_tick(void)
Called by the timer interrupt handler at each timer tick.
Definition: thread.c:123
void thread_yield(void)
Yields the CPU.
Definition: thread.c:302
void thread_set_nice(int)
tid_t thread_create(const char *name, int priority, thread_func *, void *)
Creates a new kernel thread named NAME with the given initial PRIORITY, which executes FUNCTION passi...
Definition: thread.c:166
tid_t thread_tid(void)
Returns the running thread's tid.
Definition: thread.c:273
void thread_set_priority(int)
Sets the current thread's priority to NEW_PRIORITY.
Definition: thread.c:336
void thread_block(void)
Puts the current thread to sleep.
Definition: thread.c:214
void thread_func(void *aux)
Definition: thread.h:116
int thread_get_load_avg(void)
Definition: thread.c:365
void thread_print_stats(void)
Prints thread statistics.
Definition: thread.c:144
void thread_exit(void) NO_RETURN
Deschedules the current thread and destroys it.
Definition: thread.c:281